The WP said that they supported the Government’s blocking of the proposed Income-Allianz deal on public interest grounds. Yet, they abstained from voting on the Bill Amendment.
I agree, but I do not express my agreement.
I am in favour, yet I do not vote in favour because it’s your Bill.
How does this make any sense?
They take a stand to not take a stand. They act to not act. The politics of performative gestures, rather than principled positions.
Hedging. Waffling.
This seems to be the WP’s typical approach. The same with how they voted on S377A and many other occasions. Opposing just to oppose, and abstaining when it’s inconvenient to take a stand.
Ducking when difficult decisions need to be made. Leon Perera, Raeesah Khah etc.
Incoherent. Opportunistic. Indecisive. This is the WP today.

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